Apple TV is now officially launched in India at a starting price of Rs. 8,295. The launch of Apple TV in India has now put company’s full portfolio of Apple products in India. For those who are still unaware of Apple TV, Apple TV allows consumers to wireless stream media content from their iTunes account to their television. It is designed to play digital content from the iTunes Store, Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube, Flickr, iCloud,, NBA League Pass, NHL GameCenter or any Mac OS X or Windows computer running iTunes on an enhanced-definition or high-definition widescreen television. Apple TV allows consumers to use an HDTV set to view photos, play music and watch video originating from limited Internet services or a local network. Apple TV can sync or stream photos, music and videos from a computer running iTunes. Airplay being one of the major highlights of Apple TV, allows users to stream content wirelessly (over Wi-Fi) from any iOS device or iTunes (Mac as well as Windows) to the Apple TV and can also be used to wirelessly mirror the display of iOS devices as well as Macs. Check out here complete specs of Apple TV.

Apple TV will start selling in India in the next seven to ten days. It will be sold in retail stores only through authorized dealers. Apple TV is the second biggest move in India in last 2 months. Earlier the company had launched its iTunes Store for India where it is selling high-definition movies at prices starting from Rs. 490.

Well, it is too early to say if Apple TV will be successful in India as it is competing with Micromax’s Smart Stick, Akai’s Smart Box and other cheaper offerings from Western Digital and a host of other cheaper Android and custom-OS based media players/streamers. Though some of these are really good at content playing, still one biggest advantage Apple has is its seamless iTunes Store integration which can be a real decider in the times to come..!